My Autumn Empire - Dreams of Death and Other Favourites

Wayside and Woodland Recordings
(ww088: 5060179703053)

This release marks a departure from the rich multi-layered classic pop sound of ‘The Visitation’ (2014), which garnered favourable reviews and BBC radio play, and instead presents lo-fi song fragments which inhabit the, at times strange, space between experimental folk , post-rock and alternative indie.

A preview of the album was sent to BBC broadcaster Stephen McCauley, who dubbed ‘Dreams of Death and Other Favourites’ as “Stunning” and gave the track 'Garden Echoes' its first radio play on his Soundscapes show.

Holton wrote the album on acoustic guitar, often recording directly onto 4-track, utilising dusty analogue circuitry to filter and process certain elements. By interspersing lyric with instrumental passages akin to his work as epic45, Holton arrived at an impressionistic version of the My Autumn Empire sound.

The title ‘Dreams of Death and Other Favourites’ reflects the nature of the album and seeks to illustrate and explore the themes of memory and nightmare. The artwork juxtaposes photography by Holton and drawings created by the talented CSD Illustration.

1. The Following
2. Death Song
3. Forcefield
4. Black Shape
5. The Beautiful Golden Y
6. Garden Echoes
7. Murrain
8. Willows In The Close

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