M. Ostermeier - Chance Reconstruction

(TCH001: 656605797823)

On M. Ostermeier's debut full-length CD, both mood and melody come into focus. The acoustic piano provides a warmth and familiarity that offsets the abstract electronics and field recordings that decorate the periphery. Unlike the thick melancholy that filled every corner of his mini-album Lakefront (Hibernate), Chance Reconstruction at times displays a wistful playfulness and at others a peaceful contentment that comes from accepting and enjoying the world as it is. But even as the form shifts from meandering tone poems to miniature Goldmund-esque piano pieces, there is no doubt that the operating word still is 'melancholy.' The hesitant piano melodies take on an almost conversational form, but from someone repeating and rephrasing his thoughts as he talks to himself, imagining different outcomes of some unfortunate event. This inward reflective stillness permeates this debut digipak release for Tench.

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